Popular Vote Count
State | Date | Obama | Clinton | Spread | |||||||
Popular Vote Total | 17,389,116 | 48.1% | 17,364,592 | 48.0% | Obama +24,524 | +0.1% | |||||
Estimate w/IA, NV, ME, WA* | 17,723,200 | 48.2% | 17,588,454 | 47.8% | Obama +134,746 | +0.4% | |||||
Popular Vote (w/MI)** | 17,389,116 | 47.3% | 17,692,901 | 48.1% | Clinton +303,785 | +0.8% | |||||
Estimate w/IA, NV, ME, WA* | 17,723,200 | 47.4% | 17,916,763 | 47.9% | Clinton +193,563 | +0.5% | |||||
Popular Vote (w/MI Uncommitted to Obama)** | 17,627,284 | 48.7% | 17,692,901 | 48.9% | Clinton +65,617 | +0.2% | |||||
Estimate w/IA, NV, ME, WA* | 17,961,368 | 48.8% | 17,916,763 | 48.7% | Obama +44,605 | +0.1% |
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The only way she wins the popular vote is to shut Barack out completely in the two remaining states Montana & South Dakota. However, we use and a delegate process in America and although by a big stretch of the imagination Hillary could somehow pull out the popular vote she is still trailing without enough regular delegates left a total of 31 in the two remaining states, to win the nomination.
To get a real clear understanding of what is going on we have to go back to what transpired at the democratic rules committee meeting Saturday and it got hot with most of the anger generated by bitter Clinton supporters! From the AP:
So right now the delegate numbers are 2068 for Obama and 1914 for Clinton with the magic number being 2118. You do the math...50! Give her the 4 extra delegates she is still short! Barack should hit his magic number sometime this week, but will Hillary call it quits?!Florida, Michigan delegates will get half-votes
Democratic Party leaders agreed Saturday to seat Michigan and Florida delegates with half-votes at this summer's convention with a compromise that left Barack Obama on the verge of the nomination but riled Hillary Rodham Clinton backers who threatened to fight to the August convention.
"Hijacking four delegates is not a good way to start down the path of party unity," said adviser Harold Ickes.
Clinton's camp maintains she was entitled to four additional Michigan delegates.
The decision by the party's Rules Committee raised slightly the total delegates Obama needs to clinch the nomination. Clinton advisers conceded privately he will likely hit the magic number after the final primaries are held Tuesday night, but said the ruling threatened to dash any hopes of a unified party.
"Mrs. Clinton has told me to reserve her right to take this to the Credentials Committee" at the convention, said Ickes, who is a member of the Rules Committee that voted Saturday.
The resolution increased the number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination to 2,118, leaving Obama just 66 delegates away from the majority needed to secure the nomination. MORE!
Let's go back in time a few months. Back when this whole thing started and both Florida and Michigan was talking all that smack about moving up their primaries. They new what the rules were and they were told the consequences, they went ahead and moved their primaries up regardless and choose to take the consequences. These were republican lead states that decided to vote against the democratic party rules. Now I understand that people should not have their votes discounted but where was all the outrage when the state legislators were making these decisions. Now it is too late. So stop blaming Barack and Reverend Wright and place it where it should be.
Both candidates agreed to not count the delegates from those states at all per party rules so this compromise does nothing to help Barack and all for Hillary. Remember she thought this campaign was going to be easy up until Iowa, and now that she needs the delegates this is a big deal. First she says, the popular vote means nothing when she was losing that very handily and now she saying that it's the most important marker of who is more electable. Clinton thought that this contest would be over by February 5th and had no plan after Iowa and it was her downfall.
I am glad that every state is going to have a say in this primary, but...
The New Defenders Of The Democratic Rules Committee!
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