"If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?" — Chuck Palahniuk

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Understanding the Enemy - The (Un)Patriot Act!"

So you think the Patriot Act was meant to protect you? Think it was crafted to stop terrorism? Have you ever glanced through the Act itself? Most of the people that signed it never did so why should you? This so called Patriot Act did more in a couple of pen strokes to our freedoms than any terrorist in a cave could ever accomplish...And no it was/is not some kind of sophisticated bunkers with ventilation and computers and super thick walls or any of that other Neo-Clown Fantasy Central Straussian Bullshit that they were claiming...Did you know they rounded up 1000's of people and held them for no reason at all? All outside of the realm of reality and more importantly The Bill Of Rights and the Constitution...Remember that "...goddamn piece of paper"? Still think your free? Still don't believe in the NWO? Still think it can't happen here in Amerikkka? Think the MSM is going to say anything to stop the madness? They are just as guilty as the Bush Administration! The Secretary of the Treasury is being held in Germany by the World Court and our Vice President is also under indictment yet we haven't heard one word of it in the MSM! The MSM that is supposed to be so liberal yet not reporting on this: PAULSON AND CHENEY SUBPOENAED BY TRIBUNAL

Why did the GOP change and add to the provisions of the Patriot Act that had already been voted against? Why ask why right? Kind of late in the game....All we can hope is that somehow someway we can repeal this Anti-American legislation! Like I stated above, the Neo-Clowns Zionist that have hijacked our government have told nothing but lies to scare the sheeple and create a new enemy in Islam and muslim peoples, since their is no longer a "Red Threat from the Evil Empire of the Ray-Gun Years"! Think THEY look at 911 as a tragedy? Check out the next few clips about the Patriot Act and you will understand who are the true enemies of America and it's not some "cavemen" in Afghanistan or in rabbit holes in Iraq...Think closer to home(land)! The documentary is called "Unconstitutional - The War On Civil Liberties"
Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties, is the third in a series of Public Interest Pictures films that follows Unprecedented:The 2000 Presidential Election and Uncovered: The War on Iraq. True to their legacy, Unconstitutional provides the facts and stories that illuminate administration lies, wrongheaded policies, and the real victims of these actions--the American people.

Here, you'll get the real story behind the USA PATRIOT Act and other administration policies and the gut wrenching stories behind those affected--from law-abiding store clerks to United States Olympians unable to travel. It'll remind you of what America used to stand for and what it seems we're falling for now. In short, this one-hour film will affirm why you're angry and give you a tool to help others join your ranks!
Unconstitutional - The War On Our Civil Liberties

Still think Bush really cares about stopping terrorism? Or was it just a crock of BS to push the NWO that the Neo-Clowns and all the other shadow groups that are really running the worlds governments are trying to implement? Still think it can't happen to you here in Amerikkka? It can and it probably will start happening more often maybe then the sheeple will wake up realize that the Bush Regime does not have We the Peoples best interests at heart...This is the worse anti-American legislation ever produced...This is really really scary shit~!

Peace, Love & True Patriots
The New Defenders Of Freedom!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

"Music Video - Remo Conscious - Lies!"

Well it's finally finished! It took me over two months to get this right...I found a good program that let me fine tune the pictures but it wouldn't stay in sync...I gave up trying to work with the program over the holidays and by the time the end of December rolled around the trail period on the first program expired....So I went searching for another program and came across Proshow Gold! I got the program that took me two months with program A done in two days! Great prog! However, this is about the video...I heard this track on some ones yahoo 360 Blast and it really stuck with me...Not only did this kid not utter a single curse except the B word...Bush, he was also dropping some serious knowledge and made me go do some research...He has a verse about milk that goes

"...Milk does a body good? How so? It causes diseases! Don't believe me? Read about BGH and RGF1! The diary industry has us drinking poison!"

So I went and looked up BGH and who else did I find? Monsanto! So I will be doing a little post about them in the future...Lot of good info in this track and I think i captured it well...So without further adieu...

Remo Conscious - Lies

I used over 160 pics and like I stated earlier it took over two months to get it right until I got the right software then it was two days...Hope you like it!

Peace, Love & No More Lies!
The New Defenders Of Freedom!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm Baaaaack!

I haven't been here in a long time...I apologize for anyone that might possibly be out there reading this blog...I have posted a few things to my 360 blog and I'm going to transfer a lot of it over but from now on I'm baaack baybee!

Anywho, I was just listening and dosing off when our Glorious Leader King George was just addressing the Sheepledom about sending more troops into Iraqnam...Okay if the definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results and our glorious leader keeps doing that very same thing then logic would dictate that he is in fact insane and so are his supporters! Sending more troops is not a change of strategy it's just more target practice for insurgents (most are involved in the civil war that is raging in their country), and a buffer between the Shia and the Sunni's at the forefront of that civil war! Our Dear Decider insists on mentioning the Iraqnam Study Group that ironically had no Iraqi's in the group! This is the reason that there is internal strife now and has been and probably always will be until they recognize that there are 3 different groups of people that all have claims to Iraqnam and which needs to be split up equitably, not according to which group is going to play puppet for King George and his oil buddies!

Too bad the 109th congress with a lot of help from the Democrats in that session let themselves be nullified and King George can do as he Decides...Hence the name The Decider! Now all they can hope is that Dear Decider's next bout of insanity pays instant dividends or the Dems look like they are not supporting the troops by slowing up the funding...Hopefully the investigations will get started up and we can really get things hoppin' on the hill!

Okay, I will be back later on once I get my latest "slideo" uploaded and premiere it here! I was going to attach it to this post but I want it to be a premiere! So it needs it's own post not piggy backed on a bush rant although it's a bush rant...

Peace, Love & Stopping the Escalation in Iraqnam
The New Defenders Of Freedom!