I guess it would be stupid to do a weekly post called Conspiracy Corner without tackling the biggest conspiracy of all times, well in my lifetime...The Events of 9/11/01! I have done numerous post's in the past and have even started a video series but this is the first stab at making this a regular series also following along with the videos. Who knows?!
I am being a little lazy because for real all I have to do is cut and paste this one because most of the work and research is already done. All I am trying to do is bring you a different perspective and if you haven't seen it it's new to you!
If you believe in the Governments Conspiracy Theory by the 911 Omission then this next list might cause you some dissonance. Remember dissonance occurs when two conflicting ideas try to occupy the same mind at the same time.
Like the title might suggest this is a list of what the original compiler calls "smoking guns"! It is not 911 of them but it's enough of them to raise a lot of serious doubt as to the "official version" and what exactly happened! i can't say exactly what happened that day but it was not what the "faction" in the government says happened!
It is physically impossible!
Here is the list and it has about 250+ entries all updated as recently as last month. It will shock and awe ya just like the attacks on the towers did! My favorite coincidence (wink, wink) is the incredible luck of the Naudet brothers and the fact their name is an anagram for the firehouse they were working out of on Duane St (Naudets). Yeah that is what I said! INCREDIBLE!!
The links work and they are all from media sources and uncovered archives! Have fun!
250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media
http://killtown.911review.org/911smokingguns.html (Last updated: 05/23/2008)
1962 - US military drafted 'Operation Northwoods', a plan to commit terror acts in US cities, kill innocent people, hijack airplanes, and plant evidence as a way to trick the public into thinking Cuba committed an unprovoked attack against the US in order to support a war against Cuba. (ABC, Natl Security Archives)
March '00 - Filming begins for The Lone Gunmen's 'Pilot' episode that depicts a US plot to crash an electronically hijacked Boeing 727 into WTC and blame foreign terrorists to provoke war and increase military's budget (KC Star), March '01 - 'Pilot' episode airs on FOX TV, 6 months before attacks (TV Guide), Co-producers were relieved to hear 9/11 plot pre-dated their show. (io9.com)
1999 - NORAD starts conducting exercises in which airplanes are hijacked and crashed into targets which include the WTC and Pentagon (USA Today), April '01 - NORAD requested a war games event of having a terrorist group hijack a commercial airline and fly it into the Pentagon. (Boston Globe)
2000 - CNN has employed active duty military psyops personnel. (WorldNetDaily)
Oct '00 - Pentagon conducts emergency training exercises of a mock passenger plane crash into the Pentagon. (Army)
June '01 - Attorney General John Ashcroft stops flying commercial aircrafts because of a 'threat assessment'. (CBS)
June '01 - Terrorist act exercise involving an explosion is conducted near the Pentagon to test first team's 'external response.' (Military District of Washington)
June '01 - NORAD conducts Amalgam Virgo 01, an exercise involving a cruise missile attack scenario in which their presentation manual has a photo of Osama bin Laden on the cover and a picture of an explosion in a skyscraper inside. (Global Security); June '02 - NORAD conducts Amalgam Virgo 02, an exercise involving a domestic commercial airliner-hijacking scenario planned before 9/11. (Defense Link)
July '01 - Twin 400 ft gas tanks near WTC are imploded by Controlled Demolition Inc. who will later do clean-up at Ground Zero. (Queens Gazette, Phillyblast)
Aug '01 - Raytheon and US Air Force successfully land pilot-less Boeing 727 using military GPS landing system that enables ground control to take control of hijacked plane. (Der Spiegel, Raytheon)
Aug 30 - Dept of Transportation conducts exercise involving high-jacked plane and a cell phone from it among other aspects of the scenario that one participants describes as being 'very strange' when the actual event happened on 9/11. (MTI)
Sept '01 - 25,000 British troops ensemble in Oman near Afghanistan for 'Operation Swift Sword' and will help US in attacking OBL. (BBC, Telegraph)
Sept 4 - An Israeli owned shipping company moves out of the WTC. (Virginian-Pilot, Real Estate Weekly)
Sept 5 - US pulls the plug on Muslim websites. (Guardian, BBC)
Sept 7 - Jeb Bush puts the Florida National Guard on alert (WorldNetDaily, MyFlorida.com), Sept 10-11 - President Bush is in FL, state that controversially handed him 2000 presidency (Telegraph), 9/11 - Jeb Bush declares state of emergency in FL immediately after 2nd tower fell (WorldNetDaily), At least 15 of the 19 hijackers have Florida ties. (Augusta Chronicle)
Sept 8 - Marine Aviation group moves further away from where explosion at the Pentagon will happen. (Leatherneck)
Sept 8 - Mock drill at Buffalo Niagara Airport simulated terrorists blowing up an aircraft containing 82 passengers and some of the participants will help at Ground Zero after 9/11. (Univ Buffalo, Highland Hose Volunteer Fire)
Sept 10 - FEMA rescuer Tom Kenney says he was deployed to NYC late Monday night before going into action Tuesday morning, the day of the attacks. (CBS video)
Sept 10 - San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives travel warning 8 hours before attacks. (SF Chronicle)
Sept 10 - A rookie is asked to temporarily take command of the National Military Command Center inside Pentagon for Sept. 11. (9/11 Commission)
9/11 - Fort Belvoir near the Pentagon was conducting an exercise to test the security at the base in case of a terrorist attack. (Connection Newspapers)
9/11 - An airport emergency operations exercise is being conducted at Fort Myer, a mile from the Pentagon. (MDW, DC Military)
9/11 - Employees at Israeli instant messaging company Odigo received text message warnings about attacks 2 hours prior. (Haaretz, Washington Post)
9/11 - Donald Rumsfeld predicts terrorist attack in US 2 minutes before 1st WTC plane crash (Fayetteville Observer), later predicts Pentagon crash minutes prior. (Telegraph)
9/11 - White House staff given Cipro, a full month before first cases of anthrax reported. (Washington Post)
9/11 - President Bush's cousin escaped death from the WTC thanks to a 'schedule change' the night before. (Ananova)
9/11 - Fiduciary Trust, located in the south WTC, had scheduled an emergency drill for the day. (NY Times)
9/11 - Larry Silverstein is absent from his office on the North Tower's 88th floor because of a 'doctors appointment' along with his two kids who are 'running late'. (NY Magazine, NY Observer)
Sept 12 - FEMA was scheduled to participate in an attack drill in NYC. (9/11 Panel, NYC.gov)
Sept 9 - NORAD conducts operation 'Northern Vigilance,' planned months in advance, which deploys fighter jets to Alaskan region. (NORAD, Toronto Star)
9/11 - Three F-16 jetfighters from Andrews AFB, 15 miles from Pentagon, are flown 180 miles away for training mission in the morning. (Aviation Week)
9/11 - Andrews AFB, home to DC Air National Guard and Air Force 1 & 2, had no jetfighters on alert. (Newsday, USA Today)
9/11 - A simulated aircraft hijacking was scheduled for the morning by NORAD. (Vanity Fair)
9/11 - US intel agency planned exercise in the morning to simulate plane crash into government building. (Boston Globe, USA Today)
9/11 - NORAD was running war game called 'Vigilant Guardian' in which the commander in charge thought first hijacking was "part of the exercise." (Aviation Week, NY Observer)
9/11 - FAA bans takeoffs at 9:26 am for all civilian, military, or law enforcement aircraft (FAA, Time)
9/11 - A squadron of NORAD fighter planes from Langley AFB were sent east over the Atlantic Ocean and were 150 miles from the Pentagon when it was hit, further from where they took off. (9/11 Panel, Star Tribune)
9/11 - Shoot-down authorization not communicated to NORAD until 28 minutes after Flight 93 crashed. (9/11 Panel, Seattle Post)
Jan '01 - Frank De Martini, deceased Mgr of WTC Construction & Project Mgmt, says in documentary before 9/11 that he believes WTC towers could sustain multiple hits from large jetliners, comparing it to poking a pencil through mosquito netting. (WTC-A Modern Marvel, DVD Talk)
July '01 - WTC landlord leased the entire WTC complex 6 six weeks before attacks. (CBS, Washington Times)
Twin Towers were hated, poorly designed money-losers subsides by the State and weren't torn down before because of expensive asbestos removal in which 9/11 benefited the owners by efficiently destroying the complex in a way that they didn't have to pay for any of it. (Baltimore Sun, Salon, Front Page)
Sept 6 - WTC officials recently took steps to secure towers against aerial attacks by installing bulletproof windows and fireproof doors in the 22nd-floor computer command center (Newsday)
Two week heightened security alert at WTC is lifted and bomb-sniffing dogs are abruptly removed days before 9/11. (Newsday)
Occupant in WTC says weeks before attacks they had "unusual" amount of evacuations from WTC and says he thinks "they had an inkling something was going on." (People)
Sept 10 - The roofs at the WTC are closed. (911DigitalArchive) 9/11 - Exit doors to the WTC's roofs are locked, preventing people to escape on to the roof. (NIST)
9/11 - A Fiduciary Trust CEO from the South WTC is invited to early morning charity event at Offutt AFB hosted by billionaire Warren Buffett and is escorted to TV by military officers and sees 2nd plane crash into her offices. (Forbes, SF Business Times)
9/11 - A missile was reportedly launched from the Woolworth Building near the WTC. (NIST, WNBC, NY Daily)
9/11 - Rudy Giuliani says he was told South WTC was going to collapse. (ABC video) July '05 - Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani was near the London Blasts. (BBC)
Company hired to help clean up Ground Zero is control demolition experts, Controlled Demolition Inc. (Waste Age)
Preliminary tests show steel quality did not contribute to twin towers' collapse. (Boston Globe, Pittsburg Live)
Oct '04 - Fire in 56-story Venezuelan skyscraper spreads over 26 floors and burns for over 17 hours, but does not collapse. (CBS)
WTC Ground Zero workers claim they helped FBI find 3 of the 4 black boxes from planes that struck WTC, contradicting official accounts that none were found. (Philadelphia Daily News)
Bombs, flashes, other explosions
EMT Jeff Birnbaum near the South Tower says he heard an eerie high-pitched noise and a 'popping sound' then an explosion before the top of the tower leaned toward him and started coming down. (CEE News)
Firefighter Louie Cacchioli in elevator going to 24th floor hears a bomb go off and thinks bombs were set in the building. (People)
Firefighter Edward Cachia says the South Tower gave at a lower floor then where the plane hit because they thought there was internal explosions going off from hearing successions of 'boom, boom, boom, boom' before the tower came down. (NY Times)
Fire Captain Karin Deshore says there was orange and red flashes followed by explosions that were getting bigger going both up and down and then all around the WTC 2. (SF Gate)
Tom Elliott on 67th floor floor in WTC 2 felt explosion below him as plane hit, firemen going up told him of an explosion near 60th floor. (CS Monitor)
Commissioner Stephen Gregory along with a Lieutenant Evangelista from Ladder 146 say they both saw multiple flashes coming from the lower level of the WTC 2 right before it collapsed and mentions the flashes they saw are like what you'd see when they 'blow up a building.' (NY Times)
Nadine Keller from her balcony in Soho, NY says she 'heard the bomb' before she saw the buildings collapse. (BBC)
EMT Joseph Lovero reports hearing 'additional explosions' to dispatcher. (WNBC)
Edmund McNally phoned his wife from 97th floor of WTC 2 following the plane crash, says he heard explosions below him. (NY Times)
Mike Pecoraro and co-worker hear a loud explosion in WTC 1 basement and believes a bomb went off after seeing major damage to the basement floors. (Chief Engineer)
Janitor William Rodriguez in WTC 1 basement hears explosion below him, then the plane crash above him seconds later, then saw severely burnt man come out of basement elevator. (CNN)
Kim White from 80th floor of WTC 1 hears an explosion near the 74th floor. (People|2)
Witnesses reported hearing another explosion just before WTC 1 collapse, police said collapse looked almost like a 'planned implosion' designed to 'catch bystanders watching from the street.' (Guardian)
Third explosion reported at WTC 2 and part of the tower collapses afterward. (TCM News, TCM News)
Group of firemen discussing the collapse of WTC 2 said how each floor was pooping out as by being 'detonated' as if 'they had planned to take down a building'. (9/11 - The Filmmakers' Edit)
A member of the FDNY says when trying to get some people out that there was 'secondary explosions' and then subsequent collapses. (11 News)
A FDNY Firefighter says as he was getting his gear on and making his way to the stairway, there was a 'heavy duty explosion'. (CBS)
MSNBC Reporter Ann Thompson says at 10:30 when she got outside the building she heard a 'second explosion' and 'another rumble' then ran inside for cover when a fire marshal said they had to leave because if there was a third explosion the building might not last. (MSNBC)
NBC's Pat Dawson reports that the chief of safety of the FDNY told him that he received word of another bomb going off and when he tried to get his men out he said that there was another explosion which took place and thinks there were devices that were planted in the building. (NBC)
Eyewitness speaking in a studio interview says he was about five blocks away when he heard three explosions and turned around to see the building he just got out of collapse. (Studio interview)
An injured witness to one of the towers collapsing said it sounded like 'gunfire' and then all of a sudden he heard 'three big explosions'. (News interview)
NBC's Rick Sanchez reports that police have evacuated an area around the WTC because of a 'suspicious device' thought to be a bomb and say they think a van with explosives in it went off inside the WTC and fear that bombs have been planted in, or nearby the buildings. (MSNBC)
BBC's Stephen Evans reports there was a big explosion from 'much, much lower' in the WTC from where the plane crashed. (BBC)
9/11 - 6:47am, WTC 7's fire alarm is placed on 8 hr 'test' mode which any alarms received are ignored. (NIST)
9/11 - WTC landlord Larry Silverstein says he gets a call from a fire chief about the WTC 7 and he recommends to him to 'pull it' and after they 'decided to pull,' they all watched the 7 collapse. (PBS video)
9/11 - BBC correspondent Jane Standley announces that the WTC 7 collapsed before it did. (BBC video)
9/11 - CNN correspondent Aaron Brown announces that the WTC 7 has either collapsed, or is collapsing before it did. (CNN video)
9/11 - A medical student watching the WTC 7 hears a clap of thunder, sees a shockwave rippling through it and windows bust out, then sees the bottom floor cave out followed by the rest of the building. (1010 WINS video)
WTC 7 becomes first steel high-rise building in history to collapse due to mostly fire. (Chicago Tribune, Stanford Report)
The collapse of the 47 story WTC 7 skyscraper hardly gets any media attention. (NY Times)
WTC 7 debris was removed without investigators having the chance to examine it at the scene to help determine the cause of failure. (History Channel)
FEMA report concludes specifics of WTC 7 fires and how they caused it to collapse remain unknown and call for further investigation and also says the facade was 'pulled downward', suggesting an internal failure and 'implosion'. (FEMA)
Rescuers told and waited around for collapse
****I cannot seem to post the whole list so i am taking the hint...You can see more by clicking the links that follow
Not enough for you?! Please go to Killtown911 and check out the oddities and irregularities. You can also see the rest of my video series Lies and Deceptions part 1-5 at LiveVideo. Then there is always the google!
Conspiratorially yours,
The New Defenders of Physics!
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